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“…the leading singer/songwriter of the New Folk movement” 
– Rolling Stone

“Gorka is widely heralded for the sophisticated intelligence and provocative originality of his songs.” ~ Boston Globe.

John Gorka is an honored icon of folk tradition. Energetic acoustic music that is not a trend, not a fad, but an expression of everyday life, is his trademark.

“He weaves wry, slice of life observations . . . ” ~ Associated Press.

Rising from a milieu of lovelorn singer/songwriters, John Gorka illuminates instead with his trademark wordplay, twisting, tuning and typing words and phrases in the way a balloon artist creates complex creatures from simple balloons. Few contemporary songwriters coax language as deftly as Gorka. For over three decades Gorka’s keen ear has picked up the stories of those along his path, folding them into poetry and song. His keen perceptiveness inspires people from all over the world to share their stories. By involving those tales in his music he escapes the trap of introspection that hobbles less gifted singer/songwriters. John Gorka flies below the pop culture radar with an almost cult-like following that never fails to fill concerts. Speak with any of his fans and one instantly feel’s their enthusiasm and genuine affection. His shy, almost self-effacing stage presence, rightfully focuses attention on the songs. John’s versatility on guitar and piano keeps his sets musically interesting while his rich baritone effortlessly executes his bidding. And he’s never short of the sly comment or clever joke that invariably ignites his audience. So for your next magical spell, just wave your wand and … “Gorka!!” ~ Baltimore Sun.

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