Mac Lauren Presents 3AM Johnny | Skrybabe | Cat Sensei | Side Affects | Armani Broken | Cherub Tree
Zen West, Baltimore, MD
All items are non-refundable, all sales are final.
All items are non-refundable under any circumstances.
In the event of an act of nature, national or global crisis, Thanos snapping his fingers, or other unforeseen circumstances that prevent this event from occurring, Mac Lauren will handle refunds. Refunds will only be issued if the event is canceled by the artist or Mac Lauren
All children 18 and younger must be accompanied by a guardian. If they are not with an adult, they will not be allowed entry. In such cases, we will provide the child with plenty of candy and Monster energy drinks and send them directly to their caregiver to ensure they are well taken care of while experiencing the biggest sugar and caffeine high imaginable
Photography & Videography Policy:
All photographers and videographers must be approved prior to entry. Bringing equipment into the venue is at the owner's risk. All bags are subject to search upon entry. For consideration, please contact [email protected]. We love those who wish to support live music and capture the memories, and we will not stop you from doing so, but it must be approved by management first.
5916 York Road
Baltimore, MD 21212